This is a job that I done last week. This is a roof top garden in the city. Minimal work was done now, but as the summer comes upon us, we are going to add a lot of plants that…
This is a job that I done last week. This is a roof top garden in the city. Minimal work was done now, but as the summer comes upon us, we are going to add a lot of plants that…
The customer here had a double car garage on a raised ranch and they needed a little more space, so we eliminated one of the garages by building this nice fourth bedroom.
Here is a before and after of my last bath remodel. The pictures were taken with a camera phone, so they are not the greatest. The tile was turned up on the wall as a trim and it also holds…
Today we installed many plants in containers for a customer (213 to be exact). It poured today, but thankfully we were able to fill the containers in their basement. This one was my favorite. This is a three foot tall…
Here is a tiny landscape project that we did last fall. Those are man-made stepping stones laying around pea gravel which is held in by black jack edging. Nothing fancy, but it cleaned up an area that wouldn’t grow grass.